1. 形容丑“They lie deadly that tell you you have good faces.”(《科里奥兰纳斯》)
=“GIRRRL, you UGLY.”
2. 形容肥“This sanguine coward, this bed-presser, thishorseback-breaker, this huge hill of flesh!”(《亨利四世》)
3. 形容蠢“I think thy horse will sooner con an oration than thou learna prayer without book.”(《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》)
=“You’re dumb as hell.”
4. 蠢的一13 “Thy words are blunt and so art thou.”(《亨利六世》)
5. 胸大无脑“Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat.”(《亨利五世》)
6. 形容智捉“No more brain than a stone.”(《第十二夜》)
7. 形容蠢哭“Thou hast in thy skull no more brain than I have in mine elbows.”(《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》)
=“You are so FREAKING stupid!”
8. 形容弱爆“Methinks’t thou art a general offence and every man shouldbeat thee.”(《终成眷属》)
=“DUDE, you SUCK.”
9. 滚粗一“I desire we may be better strangers.”(《皆大欢喜》)
10. 滚粗二“Thou art unfit for any place but hell.”(《理查三世》)
=“Go to hell!”
11. 滚粗三“Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit, for I am sickwhen I do look on thee.”(《仲夏夜之梦》)
=“Leave me alone or I will KICK YOUR ASS.”
12. 叫人闭嘴“More of your conversation would infect my brain.”(《科里奥兰纳斯》)
=“Shut the living hell up!”
13. 形容骗纸“Dissembling harlot, thou art false in all.”(《错中错》)
=“Lying bitch!”
14. 形容自大狂“Sanctimonious pirate.”(《恶有恶报》)
= “Pompous ass.”
15. 可以把“Son of a b*tch!”说得如此委婉……“Thou art the son and heir of a mongrel bitch.”(《李尔王》)
先说个Thou(就是古英语里的you),然后按顺序从A/B/C三列中各选一个词拼成句子,比如Thou artless evil-eyed coxcomb……最终达到别人听不出来你是在骂他还是在夸他的效果~