Urban Dictionary真是个好网站(【最实用俚语词典】牛B闪闪的Urban Dictionary),今儿我们教大家点儿新词儿,都是UD里面来的。

Fart Lapse屁味延时:指的是从人放屁到别人闻到之间的时间。
例句:“The fart lapse on Jack’s ‘silent but deadly’ was a full 8 seconds.”

例句:“Courtney sleeps on her stomach to avoid getting armpitties.”

例句:“Jim was postboned for his job interview by a quickie with Jennie.”

例句:“Jim listed ‘fapidextrous’ on his resume under special skills.”

Just Ducky表里不一:形容表面风平浪静其实内心正在抓狂(就想鸭子游泳一样)
例句:“Jim didn’t get the job, so he’s just ducky.”

Ear Boner耳勃:狗狗的耳朵突然勃……哦不……竖起
例句:Roxy gets an ear boner every time I jiggle my bag of treats.

例句:“Jennie dropped a bunch of ratchet-ass chicks in her last round of friendscaping.”

例句:“Annie is antistalking her ex until he dies.”

ABC Sex好多年之痒(这个太有才了):指的是只在纪念日、生日和圣诞节做爱
例句:“Tom and Sue have been married so long, they only have ABC sex.”

例句:“I literally cannot believe how many people misuse ‘literally.’”哈哈哈哈哈自黑么!
以上没节操来自Buzzfeed和Urban Dictionary